Monday, September 21, 2009

World Alzheimer's Day

Today is World Alzheimer's Day - please take a moment to acknowledge and say I love you to anyone who means something to you.

Sadly, my Granny battled this horrible disease and I watched as it slowly took away this beautiful person who meant so much to me. Physically she was ok, but she was no longer my Granny. Every day that went by she lost a little more of herself and her dignity. When she passed away, it was one of the most difficult things to deal with, but we all had peace knowing that she moved on to heaven and was whole again. Praise God for that promise. One thing that I regret more than anything is not really getting to know a lot about my Granny. Sure, I knew her, but I wish I would've learned more about her childhood, what she always wanted to "grow up to be", how she learned to cook so great, so many things.

This is why I love the art of storybooking. This is why I have started by own business as an independent publishing consultant with Heritage Makers. I want to pass my legacy on and I want others to realize the importance of doing this as well. I never want my children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren to have a single regret about not knowing who I was. I am so proud to be a part of the HM family and look forward to helping others "book their legacy."

I feel blessed that God has led me to this opportunity and have no doubt that it will be a big part of my legacy....



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