As I've mentioned before our new board book, is among one of my favorite products we have to offer. In fact, I am in the middle of designing one to give to my sweet daughter for Christmas. She loves books and she loves to look at pictures of herself and family members, so I know she will enjoy this - plus she won't be able to tear the pages!
Being that the board book is a newer item, there aren't quite as many templates as there are for other items, but boy am I having fun creating this.
Anyone who knows me, knows that my favorite time of the year is the fall. So many celebrations for us during the fall season - it just makes me happy...and so does this template!
There are so many things you can do with this board book - the possibilities are limitless...let your imagination soar. You can create a series of books that feature your family - just for your fun! Certainly timeless treasures that will be handed down throughout the generations.
Happy Fall :-)
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